PSO Partners

Become An REPG Member

Any foundation hoping to increase responsiveness to communities of color and other historically underserved and disenfranchised populations, reflect a commitment to racial equity and inclusion in its policies and practices, improve internal communication around race, or diversify its own internal demographics and those of external partners could find value in REPG.

The core group of REPG members meets twice a year in different parts of the country or virtually and is hosted by a member foundation. REPG is a dues-paying membership group and members contribute varying amounts based on their ability to pay. Foundations who are interested in exploring REPG are welcome to attend as a guest and fully participate in the peer learning exchange prior to deciding to join. For more information about REPG, including inquiring about how to attend a meeting as a guest, please contact Marga Founder and President, David Maurrasse at


REPG Framework


REPG Power Sharing